Princess cake 8p-£50/12p-£65/16p-£80/20p-£95
Princess cake 8p-£50/12p-£65/16p-£80/20p-£95
Chanel cake 8p-£50/12p-£65/16p-£80/20p-£95
Chanel cake 8p-£50/12p-£65/16p-£80/20p-£95
Welcome baby 8p-£50/12p-£65/16p-£80/20p-£95
Welcome baby 8p-£50/12p-£65/16p-£80/20p-£95
Zoo 2 tier:20 pieces - £110
Zoo 2 tier:20 pieces - £110
Football cake 8p-£40/12p-£55/16p-£70/20p-£85
Football cake 8p-£40/12p-£55/16p-£70/20p-£85
Biscuit cake with mascarpone cheese and chocolate  12 pieces - £35.00
Biscuit cake with mascarpone cheese and chocolate 12 pieces - £35.00
Chocolate cake 8p-£40/12p-£55/16p-£70/20p-£85
Chocolate cake 8p-£40/12p-£55/16p-£70/20p-£85
Honey and yogurt cake 8p-£35/12p-£45/16p-£55/20p-£65
Honey and yogurt cake 8p-£35/12p-£45/16p-£55/20p-£65
Glazed fruit cake with creme brulee  8p-£35/12p-£45/16p-£55/20p-£65
Glazed fruit cake with creme brulee 8p-£35/12p-£45/16p-£55/20p-£65
Garash cake 8p-£30/12p-£40/16p-£50/20p-£60
Garash cake 8p-£30/12p-£40/16p-£50/20p-£60
Handmade by Katt
All rights reserved 2020
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